tarpon fishing

Tarpon Fishing Boca Grande 〰

A tarpon fishing charter at Boca Grande Florida is a truly unique experience and a “Must Do” on a fisherman's wish list. Boca Grande, on Florida's Gulf Coast, is the Tarpon Capital of the World. Each spring and summer, tarpon migrate to the beautiful waters of Boca Grande Pass and Charlotte Harbor in greater numbers than anywhere else in the world. The spectacle of this congregation of magnificent tarpon is one of the natural wonders of the marine world. To observe this event is a thrill in itself but to catch a tarpon is the ultimate fishing experience. Capt. Jeff fishes for giant tarpon at Boca Grande and Charlotte Harbor from April through July. Join Captain Jeff for a tarpon fishing charter aboard his custom rigged tarpon boat “Reel Adventures” to experience one of the greatest fishing thrills in the world.

Tarpon, reverently known as the “Silver King”, deserves its status among the top game fish in the world. The brilliantly handsome tarpon is challenging to hook and is a tenacious fighter, making many spectacular jumps. Couple that with the fact that the tarpon are very large and you have the makings of a fish story of a lifetime. The average tarpon is between 90 and 130 pounds. Last year Capt. Jeff caught many giant tarpon over 150 pounds with several tarpon that weighed over 200 pounds. This is an exceptional fishery and there is a great demand for tarpon fishing charters at Boca Grande. You must book early.

Boca Grande Fishing Techniques

Boca Grande tarpon fishing techniques vary based on the tides, wind, moon phase, and customer preference. While the largest concentration of tarpon are in Boca Grande Pass from late April through July, you can also fish for tarpon along the Gulf beaches and on the flats of Charlotte Harbor and Pine Island Sound. While all these approaches can be very productive, Boca Grande Pass has the largest number of tarpon and will produce fish under the greatest variety of conditions.

Beach Fishing for Tarpon

Beach fishing for tarpon is a sight fishing and waiting game and is best early in the morning on days when you have calm seas or a light east wind. Beach tarpon are sensitive to boat traffic and an outboard motor running down the beach will turn them off so it is best to be on the beach and either staked out or positioned in a tarpon transition area before the boat traffic picks up. As tarpon move along the beaches they can be seen rolling on the surface or appearing as a dark spot in the water moving along the beach. If the water is too choppy, dirty, or the sky is overcast it makes it difficult to spot tarpon along the beaches. My Boat is equipped with a tarpon tower and trolling motor which is a great advantage because it makes it easier to see fish from a greater distance and prepare our presentation. The excitement builds as the tarpon approach. You make your presentation well ahead of the fish. Muscle ready, senses sharp, a tarpon takes the bait and it is “game on”. It is quite a thrill to battle a giant tarpon on the 20 pound spinning or plug rods we use for beach fishing.

Tarpon Fishing in Charlotte Harbor

Tarpon fishing in Charlotte Harbor for laid up or rolling fish can be done with either live bait or artificial lures. Early season and some post spawn tarpon move up into Charlotte Harbor where they will stay there all summer until the cold fronts of fall drive them to warmer waters. The fishing in the harbor is more leisurely than pass fishing. The tarpon in the harbor are not as concentrated and can be very spooky in the shallow water. Once located these tarpon must be approached quietly. Drifting in an area of rolling fish and casting lures or bait to them is very productive.

Goliath grouper, Permit, Snook and Shark Fishing at Boca Grande

In addition to the awesome tarpon fishing at Boca Grande, the area offers exceptional fishing for Goliath grouper, permit, and snook, and sharks. If you think Tarpon are large wait until you hook into a Goliath grouper. The Goliath grouper Captain Jeff catches at Boca Grande weigh from 200 to 600 pounds. To catch a fish of this size takes specialized tackle and a strong back. The permit fishing on the reefs and wrecks off Boca Grande is outstanding with permit running from 10 to well over 30 pounds. Snook fishing is at its peak from May through the summer, as the snook move to the passes and beaches in great numbers to spawn. Sharks are the tarpons major preditor and when the tarpon arrive so do the sharks, and lots of them. Giant Hammerhead sharks over 14 feet are regularly seen while tarpon fishing. Packs of Bull sharks to 500 pounds arrive to feed on the tarpon which they see as a giant sardine. With such a congregation of large sharks, the shark fishing is great. Ask Captain Jeff about a multiple day trip to take advantage of these outstanding fisheries.

Other Recreational Activities at Boca Grande

It is only fitting that the tarpon would live in the most beautiful surroundings. The undeveloped and protected national wildlife refuge of Charlotte Harbor is the spring and summer home of the “Silver King”. A day on the water in these surroundings is a treat in itself. The west coast of Florida abounds in marine life. Dolphins, manatees, sea turtles, pelicans, bald eagles, ibis, ospreys, rosette spoonbills, egrets, herons, and countless seabirds make this estuary environment their home. Wildlife and plant life a abound in this environment. A boat ride to Cabbage Key for a “Cheeseburger in Paradise”, or a boat or kayak eco tour is a great way to spend a day.

Gasparilla Island, the barrier island separating Charlotte Harbor from the Gulf of Mexico, is the home base for the tarpon fisherman. 

Tarpon fishing in this area goes back to the turn of the century. It is great to explore and learn of the history of tarpon fishing. The historic Boca Grande Lighthouse and Museum, the oldest structure on the island, still stands sentinel over the tarpon fishing in Boca Grande Pass. Its exhibits recount the very beginning of tarpon fishing in this area. The small picturesque village of Boca Grande on the south end of the island retains the island charm of days past when the major events of the day were walking and shelling on the beautiful beaches or catching a tarpon. Gasparilla Island has some of the most beautiful and uncrowded beaches in Florida. Many shops and restaurants occupy the old train station and the village buildings built in the early part of this century. You will not find a stoplight once you cross over the bridge and travel back in time to this magical place. A bike, golf cart or walking tour is a laid back way to explore the island. The Gasparilla Inn, built in 1912 by Baron Collier to house his industrialist friends from the north on their tarpon fishing quests is still in operation in grand fashion. The Inn has a golf course and tennis club.

Our Fish and Their Seasons

Our Fish and Their Seasons 〰

The Florida flats and backcountry of the Gulf Coast offer outstanding charter fishing opportunities for tarpon, snook, redfish, trout, cobia, and many other large, hard fighting gamefish. The many bays, grass flats, rivers, marshes, and barrier islands make this area a fishing paradise. The conservation and environmental efforts of the citizens of Florida have brought back the “Good Old Days” of sports fishing on the West Coast of Florida. For information on our local species Click on the fish of you choice for more information and pictures.

Tarpon-Megalops atlanticus "The Silver King"

The Tarpon has earned the name “Silver King” because it has it all. Tarpon are big, beautiful, tough, and acrobatic. Ever since I caught my first tarpon as a young boy I have been hooked on this awesome gamefish. Tarpon are a tropical species and prefer water temperatures in the mid 70s and above. Tarpon are slow growers and mature sexually between 7 and 13 years. Tarpon spawn offshore between May and September. Because of the tarpons unique characteristics they have been able to survive since ancient times, Tarpon can tolerate a wide range of salinity and because tarpon can breathe air at the surface they can live in water with very low oxygen content. Juvenile tarpon are commonly found in fresh water. I look forward to the tarpon's annual migration into our area. The largest tarpon migration in the world occurs at Boca Grande between April and July as thousands of giant tarpon pour into the pass to feast on the shrimp, crabs, and bait fish flushing out of Charlotte Harbor.

Tarpon Charter Season

Some tarpon are present along the west coast of Florida all year, but since they prefer warm water tarpon seek the shelter of warm water areas in the winter. I fish for small tarpon (10-20#) in these warm water areas in late January, February, and March. Larger tarpon start to show up in our area in the middle of March and early April depending on the water temperature. By May the tarpon season is in full swing as thousands of tarpon pour into Boca Grande Pass and Charlotte Harbor.

This is truly one of the natural wonders of the world and has to be seen to be believed. The tarpon I catch on tarpon charters at Boca Grande typically run between 80#-150# and they have been getting larger every year. Last year I caught many giant tarpon over 150 pounds and several huge tarpon that weighed over 200 pounds. The tarpon pictured below weighed 210#. It was too large to lift out of the water without injuring it or me, so we got in the water for the photo. Incidentally, this was my customer's first tarpon!!! The tarpon move offshore to spawn around the full moons of June and July. When they return the tarpon move along the beaches and into the harbors. Fishing remains excellent until the first cold front in the fall pushes them south. Because of the popularity of  tarpon fishing at Boca Grande please book early so we can accommodate your dates.

Snook-Centropomus undecimalis

The common snook is Florida's inshore battler. From the mangrove back country, to the flats, to the passes and the beaches this inshore brawler is a rock'em, sock'em, running, jumping handful of fishing excitement. Most fish run between 4 and 8#s, but it is not uncommon to catch much larger snook as you can see from the pictures on this website. Because snook are a subtropical species, New Port Richey is about the northern end of the snooks range on the west coast of Florida though they have been showing up in greater numbers as far north as Crystal River as the Gulf water temperatures have been rising. Snook are very temperature sensitive, with 70 degrees being about the low end of their comfort zone. Water temperatures below 60 degrees can kill snook. Snook can tolerate fresh or salt water. As the water temperatures rise in the spring snook move out of their warm water haunts and out onto the flats, passes, and beaches. They spawn along the beaches and passes starting on the full moon in May and continue through the summer.

Snook Fishing Season

The cold water of winter really slows the snook fishing on our part of the coast from November to February. Snook charters this time of year is in the warmer water haunts as the fish move into these areas for their survival. By the time the water starts to warm in February the snook are really hungry and start moving out in search of food. As the water warms and the bait schools return the snook fishing starts to heat up and continues to get better all spring. Early season snook fishing around creek and river mouths with excellent fishing around the mangroves and on he flats as the water warms. By the full moon of May the snook have moved to the passes and beaches to spawn and the fishing can be outstanding! The fishing remains excellent all summer and early fall as these post spawn snook really turn on the feed bag. Snook fishing remains good until the falling water temperatures push them back into their warmer water sanctuaries.

Redfish-Sciaenops ocellatus

The common snook is Florida's inshore battler. From the mangrove back country, to the flats, to the passes and the beaches this inshore brawler is a rock'em, sock'em, running, jumping handful of fishing excitement. Most fish run between 4 and 8#s, but it is not uncommon to catch much larger snook as you can see from the pictures on this website. Because snook are a subtropical species, New Port Richey is about the northern end of the snooks range on the west coast of Florida though they have been showing up in greater numbers as far north as Crystal River as the Gulf water temperatures have been rising. Snook are very temperature sensitive, with 70 degrees being about the low end of their comfort zone. Water temperatures below 60 degrees can kill snook. Snook can tolerate fresh or salt water. As the water temperatures rise in the spring snook move out of their warm water haunts and out onto the flats, passes, and beaches. They spawn along the beaches and passes starting on the full moon in May and continue through the summer.

Redfish Season

I fish for reds year round. The prime season would be from March through October. But I have exceptional days right through the winter months. The heat of July and August slow things down a bit for redfish, but thats OK because snook season is in full swing.

Cobia - Rachycentron canadu

Many people mistake a cobia for a shark the first time the see one slowly cruising the flats. Their brown body, blunt nose, and flared pectoral fins do look very shark-like. Adult cobia prefer the shallower parts of the gulf and frequent bays, flats and inlets. Cobia often hang around buoys, channel markers, and wrecks or cruise the flats on the backs of large rays. Cobia grow very large with fish in the 30# range common and fish from 50 to60#s caught each season. A legal cobia must measure 33” from the tip of its nose to the fork of its tail.

Cobia Season

As our water warms to the high 60s and the bait fish start to return, cobia will soon show up on the flats. Site fishing for this big brown bruiser is a blast. My tower boat is a great asset when hunting for cobia. Once spotted , cobia will eat just about any well presented bait from live bait to jigs to fly. Because of their size and their determined fighting ability I keep a medium heavy action rod rigged and ready when I am on the flats during cobia season. The best months for cobia are March through July.

King Mackeral-Scomberomorous cavalla "Kingfish"

King mackeral, or kingfish as they are known in our area migrate through the west central Florida coastal waters twice a year. In the spring (usually around tax time) as the gulf water warms to the high 60s and the bait fish return, the kingfish will be right behind them. As the water continues to warm the kingfish continue their migration to their summer waters in the northern gulf. The kingfish migrate south in the fall around the middle of October as the waters cool and the follow the bait fish south. The kingfish cruise the near shore waters from a few hundred feet off the beach to several miles offshore. Fish in the 20# class are common and many big “Smoker Kings” over 40#s are taken each season.

The Kingfish Season

If you have never seen a skyrocketing kingfish you have missed a thrill of a lifetime. The kingfish is built for speed and often explode out of the water like a Polaris missile going straight up above your head with your bait in their mouth. The best months for kingfish are late March, April, and May and October, November, and early December.

Spotted Seatrout-Cynoscion nebulosus "Speckled Trout"

Seatrout are the most plentiful gamefish in our local waters. Their numbers and sizes have greatly increased since the ban on inshore netting was approved in 1994. Eighteen to twenty inch trout are now quite common and “Gator Trout”( fish in the 25 to27 inch range) are increasing in numbers each year. Seatrout live on the grass flats in estuaries and move only short distances. They prefer water between 58 and 81 degrees.

Seatrout Season

 Seatrout are available all year with the prime months being January through April and October through December. May and June can be good but fishing tapers off as the water warms up in July, August, and September. Seatrout are just plain fun to catch. They readily hit baits, jigs, plugs, and flies. When you find the fish the action is steady with several rods all bent at once. This is great fishing for anyone but specially for kids. When my dad and I want to unwind we go trout fishing. There is something about the relaxed atmosphere of catching seatrout.

Goliath Grouper - Epinephelus itajara

Goliath grouper are the largest grouper in the west Atlantic. Goliath grouper can grow to 800+#s and were almost extinct in the late 1980s due to over fishing. The Goliath grouper is very territorial and has few enemies do to its size. In 1990 the harvesting of Goliath grouper was prohibited and the population has rebounded in the keys and southwest Florida. Goliath grouper live in the inshore water, around docks, and in deep holes and ledges for the first 6 to7 years of their life. A juvenile Goliath grouper (from 1 to 50#s) is not sexually mature. Goliath grouper have a life span of 30 to 50 years and grow to enormous size.

Goliath Grouper Season

While Goliath grouper are protected from harvest in Florida waters they are really quite plentiful and will bring even the strongest man to his knees. Try to imagine lifting a Volkswagen with a fishing rod while it is fighting to stay in its home. I fish for these giant Goliath grouper from May through July with all fish released at boat side.

Permit - Trachinotus falcatus

Think you have to go to the Keys to find Permit? Think Again. Not a lot is known about the life cycle of the permit, but it is believed that they move offshore to spawn from about April to July. These fish travel in schools and congregate on offshore structure. The typical permit runs between 12 and 30#s. The permit's broad profile and hard fighting ability make them a handful on medium spinning tackle. Strong runs melt line off the reel after hook-up as the permit try every trick in the book to cut you off.

Permit Season

I fish for permit from late spring to mid summer.

Sharks - Hammerheads, Bull Sharks

There is probably no more consistent shark fishing for large Hammerhead and Bull Sharks than at Boca Grande Florida during tarpon season. As the tarpon seek the abundant food source at Boca Grande Pass on there spring migration they are followed by their only predator, the giant hammerhead and bull sharks. There are so many sharks in Boca Grande Pass that it is hard to land an early season tarpon without having to contend with sharks. Early in the season the sharks may even out number the tarpon. The sharks are very large and aggressive. The tales of  “Old Hitler”, a giant hammerhead, are not exaggerations. Hammerhead sharks in the 15 to 18 foot range are seen every year. I have caught bull sharks in excess of 500 pounds. The sharks are so aggressive that I have had them attack tarpon that I am landing right at boat side. This is quite a spectacle to observe and sharks this size are very challenge to catch.

Shark Season

The prime shark season at Boca Grande is during  the period from May through July when the tarpon are thick in the pass.

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